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Widgets are regular embeds that can be inserted anywhere in your articles. This feature allows you to embed any third party widget (embeds/iframes outside the (embeds we support by default) inside your articles with no limitations.

When you create a widget in your dashboard, you can insert it in your article like so:



Here is how to create a widget

  1. Log in to your Hashnode account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the bottom-left corner of the page on desktop screen or top-right corner on mobile screen.

Hashnode's Feed

  1. Click on the Blog Dashboard option from the popup modal to access your blog's dashboard.

Hashnode's Feed

  1. Click on the WIDGETS tab to create, edit, and delete a widget.

Hashnode Widgets

  1. Click on the Add new Widget button to create a new widget.

Hashnode Widgets

  1. Paste the embed code and enter the widget id in the field provided (e.g., a widget to add the Twitter timeline os a particular username named twitter-timeline).

Hashnode Widgets

Then, click on the Create button to save your changes.

Hashnode Widgets

  1. Refer to the created widget inside your article using the syntax %%[widget-id-here].

Hashnode Widgets

  1. To edit or delete any widget, visit the WIDGETS tab again and click on the Edit Widget or Delete button, respectively.

Hashnode Widgets